Fisheries Infrastructure

The range and scope of the fisheries and aquaculture industry in Sabah covers a lot of the seas and land area in the atate. In many part of Sabah there exist many fishermen and fish farmers living in remote areas that are lacking in infrastructure and basic facilities. These include roads, electricity, domestic water, and common-use village infrastructure.

The fisheries infrastructure program is aimed to provide fisheries-related infrastructure to these fishermen and fish farmers’ villages and fisheries industry areas. These facilities are meant for common use of these fisheries stakeholders.

The following are the components of this program: 

  • Construction of fish landing jetties and fisheries complexes;
  • Construction of seaweed drying platforms;
  • Construction of fishermen community halls;
  • Construction of marketing halls;
  • Construction of project and farm store houses;
  • Mollusc depauration centers; and
  • Provision of roads, domestic water and electricity to Aquaculture Development Areas. (This project is implemented in cooperation with Department of Works, and district local authorities)  


